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Hello, I am [G. Edward Johnson] and have been on wikipedia since 2002. My first edit with this account was on March 22, 2002 to create the page for The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. (I may have edited some pages anonymously before then, I just don't remember.) I have recently been adding photos to articles as well as short article descriptions.

Images and Videos


Who is this Edward Johnson?

Verbena hastata
Verbena hastata, commonly known as the American vervain, blue vervain, simpler's joy, or swamp verbena, is a perennial flowering plant in the vervain family, Verbenaceae. It grows throughout the continental United States and in much of southern Canada. V. hastata grows as a stiffly erect stem, occasionally branching in the upper half, reaching up to 1.5 metres (5 feet) tall. The stems are four-angled (square), hairy, and green to reddish in color. Leaves are opposite, simple, and measure up to 15 centimetres (6 inches) long and 3 centimetres (1 inch) across. This photograph, which was focus-stacked from 50 separate images, shows a V. hastata inflorescence.Photograph credit: Dominicus Johannes Bergsma